High-Performance Computing

Over the years I have developed a few Navier-Stokes solvers to suit my research.

CDS3D: A high-order, high-fidelity solver for compressible Navier-Stokes equations in generalized curvilinear coordinates. The code uses a high-order compact difference scheme for spatial discretization with filtering operators.

DENSE: An incompressible Navier-Stokes solver in the generalized curvilinear coordinates. DENSE uses a high-order compact difference scheme and filtering operators. It can simulate flow problems with and without thermal stratification in complex domains using body-fitted grids. The code is written in modern Fortran using derived data types to keep it generic. It is further enhanced to simulate the Non-Boussinesq flows. Recently, the solver has been extended to simulate the multiphase flows.

VEflow: An incompressible Navier-Stokes solver in the cylindrical coordinates written in Fortran90. The solver employs a fractional-step algorithm and uses a central difference scheme on a fully staggered grid.

FTLE3D: A Fortran90 program to compute the three-dimensional Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent from raw velocity data.